Bramble Hub and TOPdesk were selected to provide OHC with their cloud-based Service Management Solution.
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Bramble Hub and TOPdesk were selected to provide OHC with their cloud-based Service Management Solution.
DWP selected Bramble Hub and Origina to provide the support they needed over the next 4 years.
Bramble Hub and Civica Group won the 5-year contract to provide an Integrated Housing, Asset & Contractor Management Solution that will allow KMC to streamline its systems and adopt best practice processes.
BEIS selected Bramble Hub and Matt Hamnett & Associates to carry out the assignment.
Bramble Hub and Verve Communications were able to provide a consultant with the necessary expertise for this 6-months programme.
Bramble Hub and Civica Group won the 5-year contract to provide an Integrated Housing, Asset & Contractor Management Solution that will allow BaH to streamline its systems and adopt best practice processes.
CBC used Crown Commercial Service’s Data & Application Solutions framework, RM3821 to procure the services of Bramble Hub and Gladstone MRM for the next 5 years.
Bramble Hub and Civica UK were successful in winning a 5-year contract to provide the market-leading Cx Housing & Asset Management system
Bramble Hub and Adelante were able to offer their fully managed SmartPay solution and signed the 5-year contract.
DfE selected Bramble Hub and Matt Hamnett to complete this work on the basis of our knowledge of the HE and FE sector and previous experience of assessing detailed proposals.
Bramble Hub and Bluestar were awarded the 3 year contract, which started in October 2020.
Bramble Hub and ABS IT Services were successful in winning the contract to provide a fully Managed Service for 4 years with an option for a further year.
Bramble Hub and our partner Cloudsource were successful in winning the contract, which will provide HS2 with a Health Exposure Monitoring System on the Azure IoT Hub framework, integrated to HS2’s Customer Service system, with a portal for external users.
Bramble Hub and Grant Thornton proposed a highly capable senior team with extensive experience of delivering these reviews and won the contract.
Bramble Hub and Project One won the contract on the basis of the proposed consultant’s seniority, experience, technical expertise and flexible availability.
Bramble Hub and Advanced Business Solutions (OneAdvanced) were selected to implement their state-of-the-art Smart Business Suite, a fully integrated cloud-based Financial Management Solution
Bramble Hub and Imperial Civil Enforcement Solutions were contracted to provide the system for a further 4 years.
The 2-year contract, extendable by a further 2 years, was awarded to Bramble Hub and Aligned Assets for their Symphony iManage Gazetteer Management System.
Bramble Hub and Grant Thornton won the contract with a team that had provided financial advice to DfT in relation to WCP from its original conception, and which was experienced in all aspects of the requirements. The contract is for 2 years, extendable by up to 2 years.
Bramble Hub and Grant Thornton won the contract with a team that had worked extensively with the DfT and which was experienced in all aspects of the requirements. The contract is for 2 years, extendable by 1 year.