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Partner Updates

Partner Insight: Simon Smith - GOSS Interactive

GOSS is a digital platform service provider. We work with around 90 central and local government organisations as well as housing associations, national travel companies, the NHS and the Met Office, and a large home building company providing digital platform, online self-service platform solutions and professional services.

Partner Insight: Rupert Morrison - Concentra

Partner Insight: Rupert Morrison - Concentra

Concentra helps organisations with their analytics giving them what we call the 'analytics edge'. We use analytics to look at organisational design and data and to answer awkward business questions.

Partner Insight: Jane Roberts - Toplevel

Partner Insight: Jane Roberts - Toplevel

Toplevel provides solutions to help the public sector work more easily with each other, making public services simpler and better by replacing paper, telephone and face to face services with digital/online alternatives.