Name: Claire Rollins
Company: Gladstone Software
Title: Managing Director
Linkedin Profile:
I became MD for Gladstone Ltd the day the UK went into lockdown 2 in early November. I joined Gladstone 5 years earlier as Head of Operations before moving becoming Head of Commercial and then Commercial Director. Gladstone software provides digital solutions to the health and fitness industry.
At university I studied International Management and Modern Languages and when I had finished my degree and still not knowing what I wanted to do I did a masters in Accounting and Finance. My first job was with TRP (The Retention People) who built customer engagement software for the health and fitness industry.
I really believe in a healthy and active lifestyle, being more active is always a good idea! At Gladstone we facilitate more people to get more active more often.
> I love pushing forward the part technology plays in keeping people healthy, fit and motivated.
Our leisure management system provides all that a facility needs including online booking, joining, centre management, pitch booking. We work with health clubs, gyms and leisure centres in the private and public sector, including schools, universities, NHS trusts and some of the best known large private providers. Working with public sector organisations is very different as most of their facilities are dual purpose and when we can help them increase revenues or save money this gets pumped back into the community enabling them to provide outreach and things like free swimming lessons for schools which feels really rewarding.
Gladstone software maximises the role of technology in the health and fitness industry, helping to drive the health and fitness agenda, we have come a long way but there is still a lot more to do. For us, it’s not just about the gym it’s about being a lifeline in the community, a crucial service that improves the quality of people’s lives.
One of my go to business books is by James C Collins, I like that he sees Great as the enemy of Good and that constantly striving for perfect can stunt progress.
Good To Great - Jim Collins
As a company we are really good at understanding what the leisure sector needs, and pushing our technology forward to enhance our product.
Lockdown has provided us with some exciting opportunities, our clients (gyms, leisure centres, fitness studios) have been closed more than open and this has meant they have had to look at different business models. Many gyms have been live streaming exercise classes and, as well as appealing to their usual gym members, it has also opened up a whole new audience that are not traditional gym members but have enjoyed doing workouts at home. Our challenge now is how to engage with these individuals as facilities open up.
This change is huge for the leisure industry and I think will result in a hybrid mix of gym visits, live streaming and on demand content.
> We will work to help our clients engage with their customers and that customers can engage in ways that best suits their lifestyle> .
We believe that Gladstone have a part to play in the bigger picture, the health of the nation, and we continue with our commitment to People, Product, Profit in that order. We invest in our team, and believe that if we care for them, they will care for themselves and the product.
In terms of business advice I would pass on is based on a Chinese proverb The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago, the 2nd best time is today, and that sums up our approach, we never stop looking for ways to improve and once we have identified what needs doing we don’t wait on it.
The advice I would pass on to a new business is to understand the difference between input and output. Break down what you do so that people can see what their contribution is and the benefit that contribution brings, this will give them clarity about the part they play day to day and in the longer term.
I talk a lot to my team about ‘stranglers’, which are the things that could stop progress and development, we take a ‘just do it’ approach we work through the problem, we learn how to articulate it and then use what we have learnt to develop training for our team.
The Hard Thing About Things - Ben Horowitz
One of my go to business books is Good to Great by James C Collins, I like that he sees Great as the enemy of Good and that constantly striving for perfect can stunt progress.
Another is Ben Horowitz’s ‘The Hard Thing About Hard Things’ It’s a really honest book about how hard it is to run a business because you so often have to deliver news that others don’t want to hear. It has really given me some great insights for dealing with bad news and for giving constructive feedback. We have adopted his thoughts around creating an Environment of trust . Our team know that we will talk about things that go wrong or are not working but that does not dimmish the trust we have in them as individuals, we are facing the challenges together, we share the challenge.
When I am not working, and when social distancing allows, I love being outside, I like hiking, running and cycling and enjoy pushing myself to improve my fitness. Obviously with current restrictions I have not been able to get out – so have a new enthusiasm for Spin. I am the lucky owner of a Spin bike, I bought it on the first day of the first lockdown and have probably used it every day ever since!
Born – 1985
Town - Wigan
First Job – Athletics Coach for kids at Wigan Harriers – summer camps and training and putting teams together for School cups. I loved it!
Ambition while at school - Foreign Correspondent.... I really, really wanted to travel and it all seemed very glamourous.
University – University of Bath
My best day ever is – Any kind of activity outdoors! I love exploring, so somewhere new, and am always at my happiest outside – sunshine optional but ideal.
Kindle or book – Kindle. I love my kindle I’m on my5th(!!!) I have a habit of leaving them in hotels whether travelling for business or on holiday.
What gets on your nerves – Speculation for speculation’s sake! I’m all for having a plan but am a strong believer in ‘controlling the controllables’ and prioritising your energy and focus for things you can influence. It’s way more exciting!
What inspires you – Seeing people achieve their dreams – winning at life.