Department of Transport award contract to Bramble Hub and Zsah Limited to host fuel certificate system.

Partner:  Zsah Limited


Department for Transport (DfT) work with agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. They plan and invest in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move.

The Requirement

DfT awards certificates to fuel suppliers via a web-based data entry system and was looking to procure a hosting service for this external-facing website presentation server, with VPN connection to data stored in the Department’s internal network.

Our Success

The contract for a fully flexible and scalable, secure PAAS cloud services, hosted in secure UK data centres in Manchester and London, was awarded via Crown Commercial Service’s G-Cloud framework RM 1557 to Bramble Hub and its partner Zsah on 19th August 2016, for a 7-month period, extendable up to 12 months.