Bramble Hub appointed by CCS to offer services on Management Consultancy Framework Three RM6187 | Bramble Hub

We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed by Crown Commercial Service to offer services on the Management Consultancy 3 framework RM6187, that went live on 24th August 2021.

This framework provides management consultancy advice for by UK public sector bodies and future successor organisations, which includes Central Government Departments and their arm’s length bodies and agencies, the wider public sector and third sector including, but not limited to, local government, health, education, police, fire and rescue, housing associations and charities.

Bramble Hub and its partners are able to offer the following services:

Lot 1 Business

Lot 2 Strategy and Policy

Lot 3 Complex and Transformation

Lot 5 HR

Lot 6 Procurement and Supply Chain

Lot 9 Environmental Sustainability and Socio-Economic Development

Direct award route is available.

The framework is planned to be in place for 4 years and replaces Management Consultancy Framework (RM3745) and Management Consultancy Framework Two (RM6008).

To find out more about this framework, please visit the Management Consultancy Framework Three – RM6187 page.
